I didn't know that Thrifting was a verb until we moved to Boise, and rightly so, because I have never, ever seen so many thrift stores in my life! And, I have never been to such great ones, either. It is magical. :) My favorite is Idaho Youth Ranch. And I don't just go to the regular thrift store, I go to the Idaho Youth Ranch OUTLET!! (thanks to my thrifting buddy Eileen for telling me about it) Yes, they have an outlet of a thrift store. I know the point of going to a thrift store is to buy things for cheap but make people think you spent a lot of money on them, but I must be lame and share some of my prices in this post, cause they are so cool!
I got this little Baby Einstein playgym for $3.00. Michael loves it.
Here are ours! Yes, we are Wesley and Buttercup from The Princess Bride. (My dress, which you can't see very well, and is very pretty-- 50 cents!) For Josh's costume he is wearing a black robot suit backwards and inside out. We realized that he has worn clothes backwards and inside out for every Halloween we have had together because our costumes are always put together out of the stuff we can find in the house! I promised him that next year he can wear something comfortable for Halloween. :)
P.S. Remember how my digital camera could only get fixed for $130? Well I forgot to mention that I fixed it by myself!!! We determined that we would buy a new one before we would fix it, so seeing as how it wasn't worth anything to me, I took it apart myself and banged some things around. I was sure I was breaking it and when I gave up and tried to get the case back together, I accidentally hit the power button and it worked! It took me an hour, but it was an hour well spent. I prayed really hard that my camera would somehow start working again, and this was an answer to prayers!