Monday, February 22, 2010

New Haircut and Outfit

Precious! Josh went running with Michael and he fell asleep in the stroller halfway through his run.
Notice Josh's hair... it is buzzed! He was going to cut the front of his hair on Saturday and have me finish the back. He put a 2 on the trimmer and without thinking just went straight for the top of his head! He usually does the sides first and he just wasn't thinking. He probably doesn't look that different in this picture, but it is quite funny for both of us to get used to.

Sooooo Cute! Me, Desiree and Eileen went thrifting again on Friday and I found this little outfit for Michael. Love it! He looks a little slovenly in this picture because he can't hold still of course. But I think he kind of looks like a pioneer in the early church days taking care of the farm on Sundey.


Brittney said...

Such a hansome little guy!!!

Beverly L. Royer said...

Michael is such a doll and I agree with your comparison of the suit / pioneer farmer. I don't like buzz haircuts, on principle, and hope Josh grows his locks out again soon.