Monday, May 17, 2010

Letting Michael Take the Lead

I am reading a book right now called How to Get Your Kid to Eat--But Not Too Much by Ellyn Satter, a dietician whose work Josh really came to respect in his nutrition classes at BYU. In the book she also talks about some things she learned from fellow psychologists about letting your kids take the lead. I guess they recommend getting down on the floor with your kids and staying within 12-18 inches of them and just following them around and doing what they do, being careful not to be too overwhelming or to show more excitement than they are, and not introducing any new activity that your child doesn't come up with first. Josh has done this a few times with Michael and it has been really fun for both of them!


Kristi said...

That's so great. That's similar to alot of RIE things we do with the babies and they love it. :)