Thursday, July 5, 2007

Our Honeymoon

Josh and I went to Park City and Salt Lake for our honeymoon, and we had a blast! What a great idea to plan a trip right after the stresses of planning a wedding! Genius.

Mom made us a rice crispy treat wedding cake, because it is our favorite dessert. Josh insisted that we swipe one as we took off on our honeymoon, and we ate it the entire week. It was so good. Great job, mom!!

I'd have to say that my favorite activity was the zoo. It was so fun seeing the animals, but the best part was seeing Josh get so excited about going to the zoo. His favorite was the monkeys, and mine was the giraffes.

Can you believe how long Josh's arms are? Only slightly shorter than a gorilla's!

Josh got a little excited when we got to our hotel room because he thought we got the one with the rock-climbing wall. :)


Heidi J said...

I love your blog. I am so excited that you started one. They are really fun..keep it up! All your pictures are great and you two look so cute together.

Susan and Chris said...

Yay for blogs! You guys look so cute together. And your bridal shot is gorgeous!! You should definitely keep the blog up. We have one too: