Thursday, February 18, 2010


Happy Valentine's Day! I put up streamers and had a candle-lit breakfast on Valentine's Day for Josh. We had a lot of fun.

Our little friend Eric came over to play. Michael was thrilled about it, but Eric not so much!

I think this picture of Michael with the spoon is funny. He's not choking, but after I took it got scared and took the spoon away! But I do think it's cute.

Heidi Highlight

Heidi sent us this cribset--the bumper pads, crib skirt and quilt. Aren't they adorable? Michael loves them. Thanks, Heidi!

AND Heidi and Mom MADE this Valentine's Day drapery heart thing and it is still hanging over my window. Doesn't it add some fun color to the room?

Lucy and Michael
Lucy came over to play a few weeks ago and we got some cute pics 0f her and Michael.
Desiree is one of my friends here in Boise, you can see half of her face in this picture :)

He LOVES to swing! The green buildings right behind us are where we live,

Michael loves his veggies! (so far) Except peas.


Brittney said...

He is seriously the cutest kid. So HANSOME!!!

Brittney said...

Okay so one of those pictures with Lucy look just like he and her could be twins.

Desie said...

Haha.. I was thinking the same thing.. I never realized how much they look alike until I saw these pictures.. I also love the half face.. so funny...