Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2 Months Old! (a month ago!)

First of all, sorry for the absence. My camera of four years broke about 3 weeks ago and I have had no photos to post. It has been sad. Luckily in September Josh was inspired to have us buy a little videocamera/camera. I was against it, but he talked me into it! I am so glad he did cause we have all these pictures because of it. I took my camera to a camera store to find out how much it would cost to fix. They said $130.00. So I may be using the camera on my videocamera for awhile... I miss my great little camera!

Yes, I know Michael is actually 3 months... today, in fact. But I never posted his 2 month pics so here they are! He is sporting the outfit Holli sent him that says "Road to Indy"

Michael at 2 Months old...


Beverly L. Royer said...

I think he is just too cute! What a darling boy. Looking forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving.